Message Of The Week

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box"

---Italian Proverb

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mind on my Munny...

Munny! A wonderful product! For those of you asking "What is Munny?" Iwill answer: Just the greatest artistic creation since flash animation! Munny is a basically a vinyl figurine spanning either 4'', 7'' or 18''. You can draw on them with just about anything, pencils, sharpies, crayon, or even use a variety of paint and whatnot! Its craaazy what people do with these things, put hair on them, hats, what not.

Though.... I am a boy and I don't play with dolls, at least not non-pokèmon shaped ones, so I did have my iffy "is this girly?" moment. And then I realized its mother-F%$#ING ART! Who cares?

So being the artsy sonvagun I am, I'll brave this new frontier and see what I can make. Hell, these things can sell for amounts of $1000.00 (by the right artist), not that my intentions are of profiting from this in any way, but its a useful concept to keep in mind!

(above : awesome examples)

I myself would probably just give them away as presents for friends, family, and loved ones. Not a bad way to express yourself, but hell, that goes for anything artsy I discover. Only situation that I'm hitting is that they do get pretty pricey. Mini 4'' figures are $10 each with the biggest 18'' reaching $200!  Though the 7'' is a healthy $25 medium and comes with a few free, random vinyl props, so apparently their wonderful corporate mind knows how to lure us penny pinching scrooges into buying them.

Until I can actually scurry to the nearest art supply store to test out one of these bad-boys, I'll be drawing up plans and researching different techniques for them first. So stay tuned!