Message Of The Week

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box"

---Italian Proverb

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Beanie 13

I did this for a friend of mine; originally it was sopposed to be an updated version of "lil us" but it turned out as an actual portrait, true to their character. I enjoyed working on this, making the waterlike look on the biggest jellyfish. the highlight on the creature, the clothe's shading. All fun to do! In fact I enjoyed creating the creature the most, and I've named his species "Sauradon" which literally means Lizard-Lizard. So much fun that im inclined to actually draw him again just for the sake of working out what exactly he is! Even I dont know!

Thats not to say you shouldnt expect more friendly drawings in the future, I'm totally geared towards all personal projects right now. So keep your fingers crossed!

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