Message Of The Week

"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box"

---Italian Proverb

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Squishy Pig Prequel [In Horrible Chunks because its HUGE!]

First, of all. My desktop's screen fried itself as I slept. Which sucks, because all of my cracked programs are on it that makes my life as an artist easy. So basically, a Laptop without a practical programs for making a decent comic page are gone temporarily, but that doesn't mean that my inspiration is gone, no sir! If anything it gets worse and clogs up my brain, which explains last weeks explosion.

So basically I'm starting a small series, but not just yet, not until my other programs come back. Until then, this is a prequel, Part 01 of the prequel actually. Next week there will be more! Stay tuned!

and FYI I know I misspelled a few things, like I said, absence of programs make it a bit difficult to go back and fix simple things like that. I know, I suck. Enjoy!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Well Shoot....

Been awhile, but Ive more than made up for it, I'll start out with something fun!
Alot of Team Fortress 2.... like... a ridiculous amount. Oh and writing too, and art and all kinda good stuff.

Alot of this....

Style Practice...

More Practice...

A dream I had... which was pretty awesome!

More Stuff....

Some Brain Storming

More Brain Storming

Found a hobby...

So all in all its been a productive time off. Though one thing bothers me. My dreams are becoming more and more the same, at least half if not all of these things tend to happen when I sleep, and I'm trying to, refresh and clean out the lasting cobwebs in my brain that are messing up my dreams, VIA ART! Enjoy!

Dream Explosion

Stay tuned! My return shall be swift!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Death By Dust

My computer's graphics card sucked up too much dust, caused by various deep cleanings within my house. So much so that it fried itself. No updates for awhile, sorry! Makes sense though, just when I was about buy TF2 for my PC.

I hereby announce my hiatus. I'll see you all when I get back.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fox Masks and a Red Panda

I've been wrenching my brain on a certain subject recently, so I've been attempting to create some gimmicky fox related stuff, so I'm making various masks and what not. I'm enjoying a small variant of calligraphic strokes, and "m also exploring the beauty of symmetry.

And for some reason I drew a Red Panda.

He is simply watching.......simply watching GUAAAHAHAHAAHAHAAA

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What Anime Expo Brings...

NUNCHUKUS! Oh... and friends and good times and all that!

Had a good year at A44! Much better sales for miemiechan13 than we did last year, but then again I'm slowing gaining my "Veteran Con-Goer" status, but I've had my "Persuasive Salesman" statues for some time now and I put it to good use this year! If my situation changes for the better, I should be capable of purchasing my AX11 ticket soon or if not sooner than I did this year. Anyway, everything went smooth... enough, there should be no problem, but now I'm just rambling.


 My Foxycap got an upgrade this year! Series One Pokèmon badges! It is no longer the "Foxy Cap" but I officially dub it, "The Champion's Cap"!! All hail the champion!

More buttons! The Artist Alley gave away a series of Pokèmon badges representing the elements! I only got 10/11, Team Rocket stole the last one out from under us, kinda mean of them don't you think?

 Then there was the "Championship Badge" which was a hilarious joke from the coordinators of the event. Also pictured is the Core Drill from the Gurren Lagann Panel, which was mindblowingly tengan topperly epic!

A lot of people brought their Pokèwalker, I was surprised! By the end of the Expo I had up to 30 transfers, and was full on free items from day one. From all three days, I collected 3000 watts from trades alone! Then I also bought these cool eggshell charms of my favorites.

Zuko here! A wonderful acrylic painting of everyone's favorite fire nation prince! Love it!

 Last but not least, I acquired a set of nunchukus, and I'll be practicing with them atleast an hour a day every day since then. I always wanted one, and now I do. Let the concussions begin!

 Many thanks to Miemiechan3 for once again giving me the opportunity of working at her booth, and thank you to those of you who came by!

Thankyou Jellybean13 for graciously providing us with accommodations, and for being my Expo Buddy for the second year in a row! "Representing Water-Tribe"

And thank you Alaeyn for cooking us breakfast!

For further details and pictures visit my overlords DevArt @ this plage riiiight here!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Free Credit NOT

THANK GAWD that's over. Now I can't be charged up the nose for things I didn't need. Long story short : "Never apply for a college loan sponsored by a falsely advertised service!"


Moving on to other news, I'll be attending Anime Expo 2010, with the same crew from last year!

I'll be selling MieMie-Chan3's various goodies like.....

1) 11x11 inch prints [link]

2) 4x6 inch prints

3) 1" buttons

4) cell charms

5) Key-chains

6) wooden wall bows [link] [link]

7) Various anime bags

8) Various lolita custom accessories

Here is a link to my sponsor's DevPage for more information.
Say I sent you and I'll give you a special deal!

Every little bit helps, times are tough even for the AX, so your contributions wont go to waste!

Hope to see you all there!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Some People Kinda Suck

Not much of a big deal, but it bothered me a bit. Not much else to update.
Anime Expo details next week if you're interested.

Seriously though... who does that?

Monday, June 7, 2010

On My Mind

"I've been thinking, much against my will...."

Very expressionist piece, using blunt symbolism. Also the first time I've drawn a woman bodice so intimately.

This piece alone takes such a load off my mind, and I can finally sleep soundly and start being productive again. What a relief!

Thanks for sticking with me! Till next time!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Some days are just so......

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Mind on my Munny...

Munny! A wonderful product! For those of you asking "What is Munny?" Iwill answer: Just the greatest artistic creation since flash animation! Munny is a basically a vinyl figurine spanning either 4'', 7'' or 18''. You can draw on them with just about anything, pencils, sharpies, crayon, or even use a variety of paint and whatnot! Its craaazy what people do with these things, put hair on them, hats, what not.

Though.... I am a boy and I don't play with dolls, at least not non-pokèmon shaped ones, so I did have my iffy "is this girly?" moment. And then I realized its mother-F%$#ING ART! Who cares?

So being the artsy sonvagun I am, I'll brave this new frontier and see what I can make. Hell, these things can sell for amounts of $1000.00 (by the right artist), not that my intentions are of profiting from this in any way, but its a useful concept to keep in mind!

(above : awesome examples)

I myself would probably just give them away as presents for friends, family, and loved ones. Not a bad way to express yourself, but hell, that goes for anything artsy I discover. Only situation that I'm hitting is that they do get pretty pricey. Mini 4'' figures are $10 each with the biggest 18'' reaching $200!  Though the 7'' is a healthy $25 medium and comes with a few free, random vinyl props, so apparently their wonderful corporate mind knows how to lure us penny pinching scrooges into buying them.

Until I can actually scurry to the nearest art supply store to test out one of these bad-boys, I'll be drawing up plans and researching different techniques for them first. So stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Internal Thought

The Internal Thought is the introverted mindset, be it in times of doubt or distress, in simplicity or monolith proportions. The turn of the tide is weighed only by its amount of thought and mental progression.

I did this piece about a year ago, and there is no better representation I can create that will sum up those days where all you have to do, want to do, and need to do, is think.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bored Sketches Again

The Terrahog! A large boar creature mainly used as a caravan beast of burden. Capable of carrying immense loads for vast stretches of the harshest environment, though the skin on the Terrahog's hide is thick, it is not impervious to all travel roads. Preferably they should be used on long flatland's or overgrown wood paths, and not advised for rocky or unpredictable terrain.. Their tremendous size makes even the most simplistic maneuvers a chore, but in a strait ahead charge, no beast can go farther or harder than the Terrahog! Momentum is always in their favor, preferably the male's for their large, solid bone tusks easily topple most obstacles. Though their tusks may be terrifying, they're only real purpose is to dig for truffles and other vegetation to coincide for their hefty herbivore diet

And then a doodle of a devious space renegade. More on him later I guess, if I can think of anything to do with him. Until then, he's all speculation.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tribute to My Long Hair

My long hair in all its true to life glory, as an ode to its gawk-full-ness. The time for short hair is approaching fast, and I think a simple before and after picture wouldn't do justice to its name.

Here's to you long hair, thanks for keeping my neck toasty, my ears invisible, and my forehead constantly irritated.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Beanie 13

I did this for a friend of mine; originally it was sopposed to be an updated version of "lil us" but it turned out as an actual portrait, true to their character. I enjoyed working on this, making the waterlike look on the biggest jellyfish. the highlight on the creature, the clothe's shading. All fun to do! In fact I enjoyed creating the creature the most, and I've named his species "Sauradon" which literally means Lizard-Lizard. So much fun that im inclined to actually draw him again just for the sake of working out what exactly he is! Even I dont know!

Thats not to say you shouldnt expect more friendly drawings in the future, I'm totally geared towards all personal projects right now. So keep your fingers crossed!

Regularly scheduled updates are on the way! Tell your friends!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Bad Weather Inspiration

I've kinda been in a bad spell of art recently. Maybe I'm distracted or just not properly inspired, but I'm trying my best to worm my way out of it. Lacking updates didn't help because I really do want to keep this an up and current thing, but I think I need a niche of some sort. I think that is something I need to stumble upon on accident if its ever going to work right I guess. I'll work even harder to keep this updated with something worth while though.... I need a haircut....

Friday, March 19, 2010

Gold Fox Tail

Back in the olden days of 2008, I was among the swarm of graduating teenagers who where eager to set out into the world and yada yada blah. I was fresh from school and had 6 months until I started college. It was fitting to go out and get a job, and by pure accident I was accepted to Disney Land where I was stationed in Tommorowland, building Lightsabers for kids and convincing them that batteries didn't exist.

The Experience in and of itself was life changing, although I only worked there for upwards of 9 months before certain situations led me to leave the happiest place on earth. During that time however I tried my hardest to create a web comic for myself that would explain or depiect the trial and tribulations of a Lightsaber Salesman, alas it was the exact opposite! It was SOOOO disorganized and random, but it was me in a nutshell. Topics from me at work doing.... work-ey things to situations in school and whatnot, it was more like an autobiographical comic if anything else. Back when making webcomics was COOL, MAN!

The name was just GoldFoxTail, as was my alias, and each person Ive tried to explain the meaning to, develops each time over the years. Gold Fox is a derivative of Silver Fox, a nickname the nurses gave to my father while he worked in the Long Beach Hospital, Gold is also my favorite color (yellow, amber ect...) and the fox is my favorite animal, due to its influences to me as a child (Fox and the Hound, The Court Jester, Milo & Otis ect...) In high school I wore alot of Fox Rider Co. brand clothes because I love motorcycles and the like, and the jacket I wore most often was a bright yellow Fox Rider hood-tee, which is featured in almost every picture I draw of myself. Its a persona that sort of developed and stuck, but I've come away from the yearning of an alias or nickname. I am me, in my name. But my name is as featured, GoldFoxTail.

I wanted the comic itself to be a daily Autobiographical comic that I wanted to update everyday, but I am no good at updating my internet things though, and in two years I only posted 15 of them, the last of which took place recently. I have no further plans to seriously take on the series again, but what with all the free time I'll be having recently, It's not such a bad idea. Time will tell. I cant compete with all the other webcomic artists anyway, I have neither the drive nor the commitment to put myself out there like that, and so was GFT15 (which is actually 14, because the 12th was made without the comic top).

Good times.....